Chih-Chieh Lin
- Amsterdam

Currently work as Software Engineer at ING Bank headquartered in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Continually seek to expand my skill set and stay abreast of the latest industry trends.
Passionate about utilizing technology to address challenges and drive sustainable solutions.
Work Experience
Software Engineer at ING
DevOps Engineer
- Engaged in full-stack software development within an Agile Scrum framework
IT Class Engineer
- Elevating the monitoring mechanism in Java Application using Kibana and relevant alerting systems.
- Automizing data collection procedure for Sustaninability project which measure carbon emission for computing resource in the company.
- I enhanced a full-stack web application by integrating new features to improve user experience, including seamless connectivity to ChatGPT, empowering users with more effective solutions and guidance.
- Obtained first prize in an innovation project by developing a Proof of Concept (POC) aimed at reducing carbon emissions generated by servers.
Data Engineer Intern at Dashmote
- Maintaining and developing the Apache Airflow components in Python
- Support on designing and building CI/CD pipelines using Github Actions
- Maintaining ETL pipeline components using AWS services and tools, e.g. CloudWatch, ECS, S3.
VU (Vrije Universteit Amsterdam) & UvA (University of Amsterdam)
- Master's Program Computer Science, Big Data Engineering track
- Average Grade: 7.7 / 10
- Relevant Courses: Machine Learning for the Quantified Self, Data Mining Techniques (Ranked 2/279 in the kaggle competition), Information Visualization, Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning, The Social Web, Web Data Processing System, Large Scale Data Engineering
NTU (National Taiwan University)
- Bachelor of Science in Physics
- Minor in Computer Science and Information Engineering
- Overall GPA: 3.34/4.3, Last 60 GPA: 3.63/4.3
- Relevant Courses: Algorithm Design and Analysis, Computer Architecture, Computer Networks, Data Structure and Algorithm, Digital systems Design and Laboratory, Discrete Mathematics, Formal Language and Automata Theory, Linear Algebra, Machine Learning, Operating Systems, Probability, Virtual Reality
NCU (National Central University)
Undergraduate student in Department of Physics
Quantifying the Energy Consumption of Android Apps and their Web Counterparts
A study utilizing Android Runner for doing empirical experiments, analyzing data with R. The study aims to investigate difference between native apps and their web version in Android device browser (e.g. Chrome). The implement procedure and report for our result are provided here.
Personalize Expedia Hotel Searches
Learning to rank hotels to maximize purchases using LambdaMART with LightGBM. We finally acheive rank 2 in 279 teams in Kaggle competition in course. The report is available here.
Your Best Country to Live After Retiring in Europe
This project aims to develop a visual application to help users choose the most suitable country for them after retiring among 31 European countries. We develop a multiview interface using Flask based web service combined with D3.js. A github repositary presenting our work and result are provided here. Also, a demo video is provided here.